Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Extrovert me, Jesus!

My story is there’s too many flashing
pixels vying for supremacy over
this holy Hollywood junta in charge
of my flashing, weeping neuronal
shadows, but it ain’t so bad, hey man,
what are you gonna do? Nobody bites
their tongue in this constituency,
I don’t, Shirley don’t, I say la vie
est belle belle belle, and all this
fancy French reminds me, have
you seen La V In Rows? Here:
v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v v
v v v v v v v v and well you get
the idea, it’s a pretty long one actually,
that beauty goes on for hours and hours,
a bit of a snoozer, so I just gave you a, uh,
truncated version, but it’s got this
sort of austere charm, right? The poetic
equivalent of a still photo of Helen
Mirren frowning on a beige background.
You should check it out, make sure
you check everything out, because
have something to say, is the point,
and this helps, silence is the golden
idol that gets God sticking your sorry
fork in a wall socket, because he knows,
because ignorance is the enemy,
and that CO2 won’t leave your lungs
all by its lonesome now will it?