Monday, February 27, 2012


Hello i am a Nigerian Prince with an endowment well-endowed of United States American Dollars for U!
if you will simply reply to this correspondence
with great vigor + alacrity like mojo jumping
jack flash in the pan just your name, social security number, favorite movie, cup size,
do you like pets and what are your views on love at first sight.

so look I think it sores me just to be breathing this Nigerian Air;
if I breathe; but i Want; if this is a lie;
      no thing 2 U;
if I am real anymore?;
Prince Of Nowhere locked in my oubliette, i only exist as black (scary Black)
man with 11 trillion shekels whistling

“ve are zee foreign element! ve are ze blak of your mind!”
I don’t need nobody needs no thing I need you i need can you

tell me anymore for now i am forgotten
                i have, how you say, moneysexfamepower for U! for U! desperate?
                who is the desperate?
                                who is predator?
                                                                                prey for me?


  1. I can't help but feel a slight David Bowie vibe from your blog title.

    1. I can't help but feel a slight David Bowie vibe IN MY LIFE

    2. Listening to "Heroes" in my office right now.

    3. I protected you from this in your initial David Bowie appreciation phase, but I think it's time you know.

  2. It has been far too long since last I booted up a 1000 song Bowie playlist on Grooveshark and just went to town.
